Users paste a lot from Word and Excel. Jodit HTML Editor cleans up all unnecessary code and makes HTML just beautiful.
To enable, you need to set pasteFromWord.enable
CopyJodit.make('#editor', { pasteFromWord: { enable: true, convertUnitsToPixel: true, allowedStyleProps: [ 'background', 'background-color', 'border', 'border-.*', 'color', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'height', 'line-height', 'list-style-type', 'margin', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'margin-top', 'padding', 'text-align', 'text-decoration', 'text-indent', 'vertical-align', 'width' ] } });
- will convert all 'cm/pt' units to pixels
To completely disable the plugin:
CopyJodit.make('#editor', { disablePlugins: ['pasteFromWordPro'] });
Plugin works in combination with options askBeforePasteFromWord
and defaultActionOnPaste
CopyJodit.make('#editor', { askBeforePasteFromWord: false, pasteFromWord: { enable: true, convertUnitsToPixel: true }, beautifyHTML: false, defaultActionOnPaste: Jodit.INSERT_AS_HTML });
In order for the counters to work correctly, i.e. nested lists have been numbered 1 - 1.1, 1.2 must have style in your css
Copyul ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'], ol ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'] { counter-reset: item; } ol ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'] > li, ul ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'] > li { display: block; } ol ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'] > li:before, ul ol[data-list-style-type='decimal'] > li:before { content: counters(item, '.') '. '; counter-increment: item; }